Nov 22, 2012

Christmas Tree Felt Board Activities

Following are three different Christmas Tree Felt Activities, great for a Christmas gifts or simply keeping the young ones busy over the holidays. The first two can be used as advent calendars. While the third tree is a fun decorating activity. 

Here are decorations
You can place on the tree
Decide where to place them
For all of us to see
Now the tree is ready
So plug in all the lights
And see all its beauty
Each and every night

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Nov 16, 2012

Penguin Preschool Theme

With the increase popularity of Club Penguin and the many movies and television shows created for younger audiences featuring these black and white birds, penguins are fun animals to include in a preschool curriculum. Penguins can be found within a number of preschool lesson plans, such as arctic animals, ice, and birds. This article suggests ideas for a theme day (or week) surrounding penguins with preschool songs, books, crafts and other activities.

Introduce Penguins at Circle Time

Begin a theme on penguins at circle time by asking the children what they know about penguins. Record their answers and use as a starting base for the learning process. Facts to share with a preschool classroom about penguins:

  • are birds, but cannot fly
  • spend 75% of their time in the ocean, looking for food
  • can leap out of ocean and dive in
  • keep warm with a layer of blubber and their fluffy feathers
  • daddy penguin will watch over the egg while mommy gets food (and vice versa)
  • baby penguins are called chicks
  • they waddle and they huddle together for warmth

Preschool Songs about Penguins

Song #1 To the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot"

I'm a little penguin, black and white
Short and wobbly, and adorable sight
I can't fly at all, but I love to swim
So I'll waddle to the water
And dive right in!

Song#2 To the tune of " My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"

The penguin slides over the ice bank
The penguin dives into the sea
Look at his black and white feathers
That penguin's as cute as can be!

Preschool Penguin Creative Art Ideas

1. Blank paper with pictures of penguins to draw
2.Black and white painting
3. Material to encourage penguin creations:  oval shapes, black and white paper, cotton balls, feathers, etc.
4. Penguin painting. Find plastic penguins to waddle through paint
5. Fingerpainting framed with penguin outlines
6. Creating penguins with clay or playdough

Suggested Preschool Poem about Penguins

With five felt penguins, or other penguins made of material that can be placed onto an easel board, the teacher can use this poem at circle time:

One penguin, with nothing to do, called to a friend and then there were two.
Two penguins swimming in the sea, called to a buddy, then there were three.
Three penguins waddled to the shore, they called to a pal, then there were four.
Four penguins learning how to dive, call to a brother, then there were five!

The following are some suggested preschool books about penguins:

That's Not My Penguin by Fiona Watt (Usborne, 2007)
Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester (Sandpiper, 2006)

Scholastic First Discovery: Penguins (Scholastic Reference, 2007)

Nov 2, 2012

Five Little Owls Felt Board Poem

As the days are getting shorter, and the nights longer, a great theme for any early childhood setting is nightime. For a full article on this lesson plan, click here.

Here is a fun felt board poem for a nightime theme and the night sky works well as a felt background.

Five Little Fluffy Owls

Five fluffy owls, a branch as their floor
One flew into the dark
And then there were four
Four fluffy owls sitting in a tree
One flew towards the moon
And then there were three
Three fluffy owls, wondering what to do
One said goodbye my friends
And then there were two
Two fluffy owls, looking for some fun
One found a mouse to catch
And then there was one
One fluffy owl, eyes big and round
He soared into the sky
With stars all around.

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Sep 30, 2012

Pumpkin Preschool Songs with Felt Pieces


Pumpkins represent fall time and Halloween with their bright orange skin waiting for a Jack-o-lantern pattern to be carved. Singing is a fun and beneficial experience for young children in any early childhood environment. Through music children experience pleasure, joy and creative expression. The following article provides preschool songs about pumpkins that can be sung throughout autumn. The songs are easy to learn as they follow classic children's songs.

Pumpkin Songs

This song fits well into a pumpkin patch visit whether in a preschool or daycare group or a family outing. The suggestion is to sing the words to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. The song helps develop rhyming skills for young children. Try singing the song, and pausing to see if any children might guess what the rhyming word might be, such as ground and fall.

I am a pumpkin, orange and round.
You will find me on the ground.
Sometimes big, and sometimes small,
You will find me when it's fall.
I am a pumpkin, orange and round.
You will find me on the ground.

Learning about how pumpkins grow is an important component to a pumpkin lesson with young children. This song can help in the teaching and learning process. The suggested tune is Frere Jacques.

Pumpkin seed, pumpkin seed
In the ground, in the ground.
Grows into a vine, grows into a vine
All around, all around.

Starting green, starting green
On the ground, on the ground.
In this lovely patch, in this lovely patch
Pumpkins found, pumpkins found.

Big and orange, big and orange
Nice and round, nice and round
I will pick my pumpkin, I will pick my pumpkin
On the ground, on the ground.

Jack-O-Lantern Songs


One of our favourite activities for the Halloween holiday is carving a pumpkin, these songs correlate well to this fun event.

To the tune of I'm a Little Teapot

I'm a Jack-o-lantern, look at me
I'm as happy as I can be
Put a candle in, and light the light
Don't be frightened, it's Halloween night.

To the tune of Sing a Song of Six Pence

First you take a pumpkin, big and round and fat
Then carve the top off, and that will make the hat
Then you carve the nose out, the mouth and the eyes
Show to the children for a Halloween surprise!

Pumpkin Fingerplay

Finally, a classic fingerplay song that has to be included in this pumpkin song list is Five Little Pumpkins. There are different versions, a popular one recorded by the well known artist of children's music, Raffi. The song works well when sung with visual aides, such as felt pieces or a glove puppet and helps develop counting skills in young children.

Five little pumpkins, sitting on the gate
The first one said, "Oh my it's getting late".
The second one said, "There are witches in the air".
The third one said, "But we don't care".
The fourth one said, "Let's run and run and run".
The fifth one said, "I'm ready for some fun".

Ooooh, went the wind, and out went the light.
And the five little pumpkins, rolled out of sight.

Singing is a crucial ingredient to creating an environment that meets the needs of the whole child. These pumpkin songs help children experience, learn and enjoy the fall season.

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Sep 16, 2012

Way Up High in the Apple Tree Felt Board Poem

When I was program planning for preschool, I often chose an Apple Theme for late September and early October. This is one of my favourites...

Way up high in an apple tree
Five little apples were looking at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could
And down came an apple, mmm mmm, it was good!

Aug 22, 2012

Easy Felt Board Story

This felt story is so easy to make and I sing the lyrics from the tune, Current Buns from the Bakery Shop. This one is about doughnuts! It is fun to sing with a group of children, and to give each child a coin to pay for his/her chosen doughnut.

Five yummy doughnuts in the bakery shop
Round and sugary with icing on the top
Along came (child's name) with some money one day
He bought a yummy doughnut and he ate it right away!

A Healthy Version:

Five Yummy Apples in the Grocery Shop
Round and yummy with a stem on the top
Along came (child's name) with some money one day
He bought a yummy apple and he ate it right away!

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Jul 3, 2012

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Felt Board Story

Aside from accompanying the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, this felt story encourages literacy in young children with its added bonus of letter recognition.

There are many youtube videos of the story. I like the ones with music...

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Jun 30, 2012

Felt Board Activities Promote Language Development

Friday afternoon at 5pm, last day of work before holidays, and I am waiting for two young boys (one and two) to be picked up by their parents. It is just me and them left in the room.  I want to keep them busy with a special activity that will engage them while they are waiting. I decide to bring out the teacher's felts and individual felt boards. The ones I choose are printed pieces, not home made ones, which can be more realistic in their images.

Fruits & Nuts felt set for Flannel Board 18 large pieces

One boy is given the animals and the other is given fruit and vegetables. They are so happy. The two year old is using what words he knows to label each piece of felt. He methodically brings out each fruit and vegetable from its bag and places them on top of each other.

Whereas the one year old is choosing a felt piece, showing me each animal felt piece and waiting for animal clarification before placing the felt onto the felt board.

The activity was clearly promoting language development. Both boys were placing the pieces onto the boards with such concentration, the time quickly passed and before we knew it the parents arrived.

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Jun 9, 2012

Five Little Sailboats Felt Board Poem

Five Little Sailboats

To the tune of  Five Little Ducks

Five sailboats went out one day
Over the waves and far away
With the wind, they begin to rock
One sailboat returns to the dock

Four sailboats...

Further suggestion: use the numbers to teach number recognition

Five Little Sailboats

Five little sailboats went out one day
Into the ocean and far away
Over the waves the boats do rock
Two of the boats decide to dock

Three little sailboats in the sea
With the sun as happy as can be
Two of the sailboats want to stay
So anchors they drop, for the day

One sailboat left, away he goes
A gust of wind, it sure does blow
As he rides the waves up and down
All the way to another town!

Jun 6, 2012

Ladybug Felt Board Story

Five Little Ladybugs

Five ladybugs with a leaf for their floor
One crawled away, and now there are four.
Four ladybugs left on a leaf
One climbed up a tree, and now there are three.
Three ladybugs wondering what to do.
One said goodbye, and now there are two.
Two ladybugs still having lots of fun,
When one had to leave, and now there is one.
One ladybug sitting all alone.
Finally flew home, and now there are none.

Jun 2, 2012

Nursery Rhymes and the Felt Board

Hickory Dickory Dock, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Itsy Bitsy Spider

Nursery Rhymes have existed for centuries. According to Wikipedia, Baa Baa Black Sheep can be dated back to 1744! Young children, especially toddlers, still enjoy the melodic sound of a rhyme. The repetition of words along with the rhythm of the lines help in language development. In addition, many of our favorite children's songs, such as the Itsy Bitsy Spider, originated as nursery rhymes. Today, there are numerous websites, blogs and youtube channels where nursery rhymes can be found, from classic to unfamiliar as well as different versions, all which can correlate to felt pieces.

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

May 10, 2012

Felt Story Books

When I am selling my hand made felt stories at the Farmer's Market, I am surprised how many people are unfamiliar with the use of a felt board and felt pieces to tell a story. To help illustrate, I made board books with photos of the felt pieces. I found the books online at and followed through the easy instructions. (I also noticed blank board books at Michael's.)

I was enticed to make a full book out of felt, with pieces to add with each page, but decided to go with glue versus thread:) Me and a sewing machine are not a good mix. 

Check out these amazing creations from Etsy!! 

Children's Felt Activity Book: Colors
Follow this link for more

Things That Go - ePattern for a Toddler's Quiet Book

Follow this link for more

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Apr 17, 2012

Kite Felt Board Story


One little kite in the sky so blue,
Along came another, then there were two.
Two little kites, flying high above me.
Along came another, then there were three
Three little kites, just watch them soar
Along came another, then there were four.
Four little kites, so high and alive
Along came another, then there were five.
Five little kites dancing across the sky,
What a sight to see, way up so high!

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Mar 2, 2012

Toddlers and Felt Board Activities

Presently, I work in an Infant/Toddler Daycare Room where the children are predominantly between the ages of one and two. After so many years working with preschool ages (3-5), I am pleasantly surprised at how much they LOVE the felt stories. I watch their faces light up as I pull out the box. As I repeat many of the same stories, songs or poems with felts, the words and melodies become familiar to the children. It truly makes me smile as they jump up to dance, clap their hands, and sit down to listen. The felt pieces allow the children to visually make a connection to the words being spoken which fosters language development. If permitted, they love to participate in the process by placing the felt pieces on the board or removing them. A story like The Very Hungry Caterpillar involves a number of concepts and with each telling of the story, the lessons are repeated.

When I am selling my felt stories at our local Farmer's Market in the summer, I have many shoppers asking me if their toddler is old of enough to enjoy. This year, I am going to say that I think it is the perfect age for felt board activities!

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Feb 18, 2012

The Mitten Felt Board Story


Where I live, the snow had almost entirely melted. We could see the grass and snowed and snowed all over again. *sigh*. Oh well, it is only February. So, I read "The Mitten" story by Jan Brett. I have always loved this book, and recently came upon a book called "Don't Wake Up the Bear". The felt story pieces could certainly be used for both stories.

In addition, you may want to visit my blog entry: Mitten Preschool Songs


Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Feb 10, 2012

Eric Carle Books into Felt Board Stories

Felt stories derived from published books is a popular way of enjoying the flannel board with young children. Eric Carle has always been my favorite author and artist to transfer into felt stories. His pictures are not complex and his storyline is usually systematic, lending itself to pieces coming on and off the flannel board. His stories always hold learning elements, from counting numbers to life lessons! The following photos are some of my hand-made stories that are a part of my "toolbox"  as an early childhood educator. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" felt pieces to accompany his published book, is a popular purchase when I am selling felt stories at markets or conferences. In addition, I have written an article about creating a theme within a preschool or daycare curriculum all around the book which can be viewed on my website: Circle of Ideas.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Rooster is Off to See the World

Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Little Cloud

10 Little Rubber Ducks

Jan 21, 2012

Valentine Poems for the Felt Board

Here are some Valentine Poems that correlate well to heart shaped felts for the flannel board:

One Valentine I made for you
Make another, and now there are two
Two Valentines for you and me
Make another, and now there are three
Three Valentines, we want more
Make another, and now there are four!

1) Five Little Valentines
Courtesy of Homeschool and Beyond

 One little valentine said, “I love you.”  _______made another, and then there were two.
Two little valentines, one for me!  _______made another, and then there were three.
Three little valentines said, “We need one more.”  _______made another, and then there were four.
Four little valentines, one more to arrive;  _______make another, and then there were five.
Five little valentines, all ready to say, “Be my Valentine this happy day.”

2) Valentine Hearts
Courtesy of Perpetual Preschool Website

Contact_FullName: Chrissie
Area: Valentine's - songs
Valentine Hearts, Written by the kindergarten class at Children's Junction Daycare.

5 Little Valentine's sitting on some lace
The first one said, I like this place.
The second one said, Red and pink are nice.
The third one said you can say that twice.
The fourth one said, Let's kiss an kiss and kiss.
The fifth one said, I hope you don't miss.

Further Reading Suggestion: Preschool Songs about Love

                                              Healthy Valentine's Day Snacks

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas