Nov 2, 2012

Five Little Owls Felt Board Poem

As the days are getting shorter, and the nights longer, a great theme for any early childhood setting is nightime. For a full article on this lesson plan, click here.

Here is a fun felt board poem for a nightime theme and the night sky works well as a felt background.

Five Little Fluffy Owls

Five fluffy owls, a branch as their floor
One flew into the dark
And then there were four
Four fluffy owls sitting in a tree
One flew towards the moon
And then there were three
Three fluffy owls, wondering what to do
One said goodbye my friends
And then there were two
Two fluffy owls, looking for some fun
One found a mouse to catch
And then there was one
One fluffy owl, eyes big and round
He soared into the sky
With stars all around.

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Sep 30, 2012

Pumpkin Preschool Songs with Felt Pieces


Pumpkins represent fall time and Halloween with their bright orange skin waiting for a Jack-o-lantern pattern to be carved. Singing is a fun and beneficial experience for young children in any early childhood environment. Through music children experience pleasure, joy and creative expression. The following article provides preschool songs about pumpkins that can be sung throughout autumn. The songs are easy to learn as they follow classic children's songs.

Pumpkin Songs

This song fits well into a pumpkin patch visit whether in a preschool or daycare group or a family outing. The suggestion is to sing the words to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. The song helps develop rhyming skills for young children. Try singing the song, and pausing to see if any children might guess what the rhyming word might be, such as ground and fall.

I am a pumpkin, orange and round.
You will find me on the ground.
Sometimes big, and sometimes small,
You will find me when it's fall.
I am a pumpkin, orange and round.
You will find me on the ground.

Learning about how pumpkins grow is an important component to a pumpkin lesson with young children. This song can help in the teaching and learning process. The suggested tune is Frere Jacques.

Pumpkin seed, pumpkin seed
In the ground, in the ground.
Grows into a vine, grows into a vine
All around, all around.

Starting green, starting green
On the ground, on the ground.
In this lovely patch, in this lovely patch
Pumpkins found, pumpkins found.

Big and orange, big and orange
Nice and round, nice and round
I will pick my pumpkin, I will pick my pumpkin
On the ground, on the ground.

Jack-O-Lantern Songs


One of our favourite activities for the Halloween holiday is carving a pumpkin, these songs correlate well to this fun event.

To the tune of I'm a Little Teapot

I'm a Jack-o-lantern, look at me
I'm as happy as I can be
Put a candle in, and light the light
Don't be frightened, it's Halloween night.

To the tune of Sing a Song of Six Pence

First you take a pumpkin, big and round and fat
Then carve the top off, and that will make the hat
Then you carve the nose out, the mouth and the eyes
Show to the children for a Halloween surprise!

Pumpkin Fingerplay

Finally, a classic fingerplay song that has to be included in this pumpkin song list is Five Little Pumpkins. There are different versions, a popular one recorded by the well known artist of children's music, Raffi. The song works well when sung with visual aides, such as felt pieces or a glove puppet and helps develop counting skills in young children.

Five little pumpkins, sitting on the gate
The first one said, "Oh my it's getting late".
The second one said, "There are witches in the air".
The third one said, "But we don't care".
The fourth one said, "Let's run and run and run".
The fifth one said, "I'm ready for some fun".

Ooooh, went the wind, and out went the light.
And the five little pumpkins, rolled out of sight.

Singing is a crucial ingredient to creating an environment that meets the needs of the whole child. These pumpkin songs help children experience, learn and enjoy the fall season.

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas