Mar 16, 2019

Space Preschool Felt Story: Five Little Astronauts

At the Preschool I currently work at, we  just recently finished a three week Space Interest! For some reason, I did not have any space felt themed stories which gave me an opportunity to start making some new felts. The following is my favourite: Five Little Astronauts

Five Little Astronauts

Five little Astronauts sitting on the stars
The first one said, let’s go to Mars
The second one said, there are rockets in the air
The third one said, but where oh where
The fourth one said, let’s fly up in the sky
The fifth one said, oh yes! Let’s fly!

Then whoosh went the rocket ship into the night
And the five little astronauts zoomed out of sight!

Jan 10, 2019

Bird Preschool Theme and the Felt Board

Here's a trick...instead of recreating an entire new set of felts to match your Preschool theme or interest, look at your collection, and find the stories (or songs) with the interest inside. For example, if the theme is birds, indeed there are specific stories surrounding the bird as the main character such as...

But, there are also many songs and stories with bird characters inside. So, choose stories or songs, and emphasize the bird to match the current interest. For example, with the following felt pieces below, the Educator can ask  open ended questions to provoke concepts and learning, such as, "Which animals have wings? Which animal has feathers?"

The following images are felt pieces in my collection, along with links to blog entries providing more information:

Green Grass Grew All Around

Down By the Bay

Ten Little Yellow Ducks

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Five Little Ducks

Five Little Penguins

Further Reading Suggestion: 

Ideas for a Preschool Bird Theme