Oct 24, 2013

All About Turtles! Turtle Felt Board Poem and Turtle Preschool Song

Turtles are always a fun topic for young children anytime of the year! The following blog entry provides a poem, song and links for a turtle theme.

Felt Poem: 5 Little Turtles

One turtle with nothing to do
Called for his friend, then there were two.
Two turtles strolling by a tree,
Saw their buddy, now there are three.
Three turtles, a log for their floor,
Made room for a pal, now there are four.
Four turtles warming in the sun,
Saw a fifth friend, and said, "what fun!"

Preschool Song: I Had a Little Turtle

After running circle time with two and three year old children just recently, I have been reminded how much they like the song, "I Had a Little Turtle".

I had a little turtle, his name was Tiny Tim

I put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim

He drank up all the water,

He ate up all the soap

And now my tiny turtle has a bubble in his throat

Sign for Turtle

I use to sing the song when I taught Baby Signs as I could incorporate the sign for turtle, water, bath and bubbles. With the felt pieces, the signs and the song itself, it keeps the children's interest. I sing it a couple of times, and the older children quickly learn the words.

For further ideas:

Turtle Preschool Theme

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

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