Feb 20, 2015

Frozen Felt Finger Puppets

And the movie Frozen just keeps going on and on, and children simply will not "let it go"!  I live in an urban environment, and there is a daycare facility right outside my apartment building. We have been having unusually warm weather for February. Over the last few days, as I am entering the building, I can hear the young girls on the top of the climber, singing at the top of their lungs, "Let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go".  It still makes me smile.

So in a search on Pinterest, I found this amazing website, The Idea Room
Adorabel Felt Finger Puppets with Pattern: Find by clicking picture

And for a funny moment, check out Will Farell Singing the Song!

Dec 14, 2014

Felt Board Winter Activities: Matching Colors!

Matching colors is a fun and educational activity for young children. For toddlers, a color coordination activity helps them to not only learns colors, but  label them as well, thus fostering language development. The following felt board activities provide matching hats and scarves, along with fun, age appropriate poems. In addition, matching activities aids in gradual transitions out of circle time

To the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot"

I'm a little penguin, black and white
Short and wobbly, and adorable sight
I can't fly at all, but I love to swim
So I'll waddle to the water
And dive right in!

Five little snowmen, on a winter's day.
The first one said, wake up so we can play
The second one said, let's stomp on the ground
The third one said, let's roll all around
The fourth one said, let's run and run and run
The fifth one said, I'm afraid I feel the sun
Oh dear, cried the snowmen
As they looked toward the sky
And the five melting snowmen
Waved a fond good bye