May 10, 2012

Felt Story Books

When I am selling my hand made felt stories at the Farmer's Market, I am surprised how many people are unfamiliar with the use of a felt board and felt pieces to tell a story. To help illustrate, I made board books with photos of the felt pieces. I found the books online at and followed through the easy instructions. (I also noticed blank board books at Michael's.)

I was enticed to make a full book out of felt, with pieces to add with each page, but decided to go with glue versus thread:) Me and a sewing machine are not a good mix. 

Check out these amazing creations from Etsy!! 

Children's Felt Activity Book: Colors
Follow this link for more

Things That Go - ePattern for a Toddler's Quiet Book

Follow this link for more

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas

Apr 17, 2012

Kite Felt Board Story


One little kite in the sky so blue,
Along came another, then there were two.
Two little kites, flying high above me.
Along came another, then there were three
Three little kites, just watch them soar
Along came another, then there were four.
Four little kites, so high and alive
Along came another, then there were five.
Five little kites dancing across the sky,
What a sight to see, way up so high!

Online Early Childhood Workshops with Circle of Ideas