Oct 19, 2024

Five Little Monkeys

I have used this felt glove so many times during my ECE profession. The Preschool aged children love the visual presentation matching the song Five Little Monkeys Swinging in the tree. The glove is also great to have in your pocket during outside time to bring out to entertain a child or group of children, and awesome to have in your field trip backpack! The monkey template can also be created for Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. 

Apr 8, 2020

Dog's Colorful Day


This felt story can accompany the book by Emma Dodd , a story about a dog who "starts off the day with one black spot on this ear. But it seems that wherever her goes, he runs, rolls and trots right into colors." (Amazon.com)

This felt story facilitates color recognition, memory development, counting and self care, because all the spots are removed once the dog washes and has a bath. 😊