Nov 26, 2018

Felt Advent Calendar and Number Recognition

We all know the traditional Advent Calendars filled with a chocolate a day leading up to Christmas. 25 days of sweets! Recently, there seems to be many variations to the original calendar for both children and adults. This year, I made one for my teenage son who claims his father eats all the chips in our home (actually, this is true)!

This is an "Advent" Calendar made with felt ornaments that could be placed out throughout December in any Early Childhood Environment and helps foster number recognition.

Alternatively, the ornaments could be matching which would help with transitioning out of Circle Time.

So easy to make and fun to interact with!

Happy Holidays

Jan 11, 2018

Scat the Cat Felt Board Story

Scat the Cat is one of my favorite felt stories to present to Preschool aged children during circle time. As I tell the story, I ask children to think of other things that are the same color of the cat. This open ended question fosters cognitive and creative development.

My version of this story.... 

Once upon a time there was a black cat. His mom was black, his dad was black and his brothers and sisters were black. 

This cat had a very special hat, it was magical. When he put it on his head, he could change his color. 

So, on this day, Scat the Cat put on his hat and said, "I'm Scat the Cat and with my hat, I am going to change my colors just like that!"

And Scat the Cat changed himself into a blue cat. He was blue as blue can be. He was as blue as....(this is when the children are given some time to provide answers. Get ready, for the children get very excited as they provide answers). 

But after awhile, he was tired of being blue, and so he put on his hat and he said, "I'm Scat the Cat and with my hat, I'm going to change my colors just like that!" 

And Scat the Cat changed himself into a red cat....


The story ends when  you are finished the colors OR when it seems right with the children.

The Ending: Scat the Cat realized he was happy being a black cat. He didn't know why he wanted to change. So he put on his hat and he said, "I'm Scat the Cat and with my hat, I change back into a black cat".