May 30, 2015

Summer Felt Board Ideas

Although Preschool Teachers take a break, many Early Childhood Programs are open throughout the summer. It is a time spent outdoors more than any other time of the year, but when those children are ready for a group circle or storytime, here are some summer theme ideas for the felt board!

Oh Mr. Sun

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun,
Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun
Mr. Golden Sun
Hiding behind a tree

These little children are asking you
To please come out so they can play with you

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun
Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me!

Five Green and Speckled Frogs
As Raffi starts his song.... "On a hot hot day in July..."

Five Little Sailboats

Five little sailboats went out one day
Into the ocean and far away
Over the waves the boats do rock
Two of the boats decide to dock

Three little sailboats in the sea
With the sun as happy as can be
Two of the sailboats want to stay
So anchors they drop, for the day

One sailboat left, away he goes
A gust of wind, it sure does blow
As he rides the waves up and down

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