May 30, 2015

Summer Felt Board Ideas

Although Preschool Teachers take a break, many Early Childhood Programs are open throughout the summer. It is a time spent outdoors more than any other time of the year, but when those children are ready for a group circle or storytime, here are some summer theme ideas for the felt board!

Oh Mr. Sun

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun,
Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun
Mr. Golden Sun
Hiding behind a tree

These little children are asking you
To please come out so they can play with you

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun
Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me!

Five Green and Speckled Frogs
As Raffi starts his song.... "On a hot hot day in July..."

Five Little Sailboats

Five little sailboats went out one day
Into the ocean and far away
Over the waves the boats do rock
Two of the boats decide to dock

Three little sailboats in the sea
With the sun as happy as can be
Two of the sailboats want to stay
So anchors they drop, for the day

One sailboat left, away he goes
A gust of wind, it sure does blow
As he rides the waves up and down

Apr 19, 2015

Spring Preschool Songs

Singing is a wonderful way for young children to learn. When songs provide facts for children, then as they listen to the music and learn the lyrics, they are additionally receiving teachable moments.

Preschool songs about the four seasons inevitably teach young children about the different aspects of spring, summer, fall and winter. The following article provides spring songs with lyrics to enjoy with preschool children in any early childhood environment. In addition, the spring felt pieces can be used while singing!

Spring Song: "My Eyes Can See It's Springtime"

This song incorporates so many aspects of spring while teaching children about their senses. It is sung to the tune of "Did You Ever See a Lassie" as well as "The More We Get Together" by Raffi.

My eyes can see it's springtime, it's springtime, it's springtime
My eyes can see it's springtime, the grass is so green.
The green grass, the flowers,
The sunshine, the showers,
My eyes can see it's springtime, the grass is so green.

My ears can hear it's springtime, it's springtime, it's springtime
My ears can hear it's springtime, the birds sweetly sing.
The birds sing,, the bees buzz,
The lambs bleat, the frogs croak
My ears can hear it's springtime, the birds sweetly sing.

My body can feel it's springtime, it's springtime, it's springtime
My body can feel it's springtime, the air is so warm
The warm air, the breezes
No frost and no freezes
My body can feel it's springtime, the air is so warm.

Out in the Garden 

This is a wonderful felt set to sing with the following song, to the tune of "Down By the Station"

Out in the garden in the month of May
See the pretty flowers standing in a row
See the little birds flying down to greet them
Tweet tweet tweet and off they go. 

Sing the same words and replace with

See the little, buzz, buzz
See the little butterflies...flutter, flutter, flutter

For an extension to this song, children can act out the song! Works well for circle time.

Preschool Song about Spring: 

"Do You Know That Spring is Here"

Young children like to share their knowledge with teachers, and this song provides an opportunity for children to offer what they know. It is sung to the tune of "Do You Know the Muffin Man".

Do you know that spring is here, that spring is here, that spring is here. Do you know that spring is here? Tell me how you know.

Give children a chance to share what they are experiencing outside or inside that tells them spring is here. With the answers, continue singing. If answers do not fit into the following lyrics, try creating new lyrics for the answers you were given.

We see flowers in the ground, in the ground, in the ground
We see flowers in the ground, we know spring is here.
We see a robin in the grass, in the grass, in the grass
We see a robin in the grass, we know spring is here.

The style of this song allows many answers to be fitted into the melody. Some more ideas are:
  • We see the snow has melted away
  • We can ride our bicycles
  • We see blossoms in the tree
  • We see a butterfly in the sky

Preschool Song: "Springtime is Finally Here"

This final song is sung to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell":

Springtime is finally here, oh springtime is finally here
Flowers come this time of year
Springtime is finally here.
Springtime is finally here, oh springtime is finally here
The bees are buzzing, can you hear
Springtime is finally here.

Spring is a time for rebirth and celebration. These songs can help children learn about the spring elements through the fun act of singing.

Further Reading:

10 Preschool Activities for Matching Easter Eggs

Online Early Childhood Workshops